Saturday, February 15, 2020

Marx and Engels 1848 Communist Manifesto and Marshall Bermans 1982 Essay

Marx and Engels 1848 Communist Manifesto and Marshall Bermans 1982 text on Marx and Modernization - Essay Example This paper illustrates that through an inspiration gathered from The Communist Manifesto, Berman refers to the social and political aspects of modernity as â€Å"a unity of disunity†. Therefore, Berman tends to illustrate that modernity makes individual to be in a constant state of constant struggle and incongruity, disintegration and renewal, as well as uncertainty and anguish. Equally, this can be identified whereby Marx uses the phrase â€Å"all that is solid melts into air†, to describe the concept of modernity. As such, Berman tries to use the perpetual experiences of ‘disintegration and renewal’ to point out both the advantages and dangers associated with the modern social life. As such, not only does Berman tries to demonstrate how the structure of domination and power have taken over modernity, but he also describes the existence of prevailing political changes that are essential in the attainment of an effective modern life. Despite the fact that B erman solely relies on The Communist Manifesto as his main theoretic manuscript to illustrate modernity, there are several important inferences that his work presents that should not be overlooked. Notably important, Berman outlines an important factor for modernity by presenting an all-encompassing and dialectical understanding of the efforts and impulses by acting as ‘the developer.’ As the developer, Berman anticipates discovering both the most creative and destructive possibilities of the modern social life. Thus, for Berman, there are several factors such as demographic transformations, scientific discoveries, mass movements, and industrial upheavals among others that generate modernity. As such, Berman tends to use these socioeconomic factors, together with the changing capitalistic markets as the factors that are responsible for driving change and bringing modernity.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Female, Feminine, Fertility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Female, Feminine, Fertility - Essay Example In particular, she competes severely with Carla Santini, who was also striving to attain this position. Lola does not manage to beat Carla Santini since Carla Santini is quite clever and convincing. At one point, Lola gives up with the chase, but is later motivated to keep up the fight. She decides to participate in a play for their school where she manages to defeat Carla Santini. Although the two girls had personal differences during the time they were competing for the lead position, they are seen mending their differences by acknowledging each other (Sheldon, 2014). I have, for a long time seen female characters resembling Lola and Carla in that they are determined, brave yet considerate and willing to forgive. Such are the people the society wants whom despite differences in, for example places of work due to competition for a given position, they are willing to work together, relate positively outside jobs and acknowledge each other. Lola is used to show the modern woman whom despite challenges facing her, she should never forget her worth and values. The modern woman should aim high and fight hard to attain her position while remembering that she should maintain positive relationship with other with whom she is battling out with. Competitors need not only be fellow women but could also include men. For instance, there is a stiff battle between men and women with women striving to get their positions in the society. Such female characters would have a positive impact on practically every person. In fact, there is nobody would be harmed by the presence of Lola and Carla in the society. However, men might be harmed by characters like Lola in the society especially due to the determination part of the character. Being determined means that such female characters will never let off the battle with men in striving to